Schedule a roof inspection at your home in Waldorf, MD serving the greater DMV area

Schedule a roof inspection at your home in Waldorf, MD serving the greater DMV area

Know the Status of Your Roof

The best way to determine whether your roof is in good shape or not is by having it inspected. Sunfinity Solar and Roofing offers roof inspections so you can know for sure when you need a replacement.

Our inspections are essential for when you're looking to get the insurance coverage you're owed. We can take a close look at your roof and compile a full report for your insurance agency. We'll examine:

  • Wind damage
  • Hail damage
  • Lighting strike damage
  • Rain damage

Call now to set up a roof inspection in Waldorf, MD.

Reach out to us right away if your roof has been damaged

When your roof encounters storm damage, it makes it vulnerable to serious water damage, flooding and leaks. Save yourself a lot of trouble by getting in touch with us immediately for emergency roof tarping. We can protect your home from further damage until we're able to replace your roof.

Contact us today to request emergency roof tarping in Waldorf, MD.